Bioactive Compounds as a Potential Inhibitor of Colorectal Cancer; an Insilico Study of Gallic Acid and Pyrogallol

Document Type : Research/Original Article


Department of Microbiology, Raiganj University, Raiganj, WB, India


Introduction- Now a day’s colorectal cancer (CRC) is one of the most deadly cancers in the world. The objective of this investigation was to evaluate the protective effect of gallic acid and pyrogallol in colorectal cancer. Previous reports suggest that there is an association present between some tannase producing bacteria and colorectal cancer. Tannase hydrolyze tannic acid into gallic acid and pyrogallol. Are those compounds have any therapeutic effect on colorectal cancer? This study will help to find those quarries.
Methods-The remedial effect of gallic acid and pyrogallol was studied by descriptor properties and molecular docking methods. 100 CRC causing protein structures were docked in this investigation.
Results- Lipinski Rule of Five and other descriptor properties of those compounds have showed their nontoxic and therapeutic nature. Molecular docking studies have showed highest score -38.22 KJ/Mol with gallic acid and -33.6 KJ/Mol with pyrogallol.
Conclusion- This is the first report on docking investigation of these large numbers of protein. The findings of this research concluded that gallic acid and pyrogallol have a protective effect in colorectal cancer by stopping the effect of those CRC causing protein.


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