Single Center Experience of a Safe and Feasible Segmental Resection of Rectosigmoid Endometriosis

Document Type : Research/Original Article


1 Digestive Division, Department of Surgery, Fatmawati Central General Hospital, Fatmawati, Indonesia

2 Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Fatmawati Central General Hospital, Fatmawati, Indonesia

3 Urology Division, Department of Surgery, Fatmawati Central General Hospital, Fatmawati, Indonesia


Bowel endometriosis, defined as presence of endometrial tissue infiltrating the intestinal muscularis propria layer and beyond (3), has a sigmoid colon and rectal predilection. We collected 170 cases of endometriosis within the timeline, out of which DIE was diagnosed in 47 cases (27%). Deep Infiltrating Endometriosis (DIE) that effected the bowel, including those that only effected the perirectal fat and rectal serosa were 19 cases (40%); 11 cases (58%) had DIE infiltrating past the rectal serosa. A total of 8 cases (42%), with only perirectal fat and rectal serosa involvement were treated with either disc excision or shaving, were excluded from this study We described the clinical characteristics of 9 patients with rectal DIE that were treated with Segmental Resection along with primary gynecological resection. In summary, Segmental resection is safe and feasible, even with minimally invasive technique, to be incorporated in the comprehensive multidisciplinary management of bowel endometriosis. Further effort to expand its use is necessary to increase the scope of bowel endometriosis management across the country.


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